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Career seminars focus on explicit instruction in areas such as safety, labor laws, the job-seeking process, choosing a career, and employability skills. With a comprehensive WBL database, the WBL coordinator can generate reports on WBL contacts and participation at a specific school or employer or a list of WBL activities planned for the coming month, for example. Use Kami's brainstorming worksheets for this activity idea. There may already be a WBL plan in place; in that case, the WBL coordinator should determine how it should be updated, strengthened, or otherwise revised. What Is Linked Learning? For more information, please visit the Tri-Agency website . These include abilities like communication, conflict resolution, accepting constructive criticism, organization, and adaptability. Certification office, Standards board, more Fellows' Network, NBCT leadership, more School, educator, publications, media, more, Approved lists, requirements, guidance, more, Paraeducators, counseling, librarians, more. Ideally, the employer and the coordinator could agree on a plan for participation in a variety of WBL activities at different times of the year. Define roles and responsibilities for those involved in implementation. Provide a framework and context for all WBL activities. Students in the middle and high school grades may all benefit from career awareness activities, providing they are tailored to the specific grade level. However, despite the clear advantages of work-based learning experiences, there are far too few available for those who would benefit the most: low-income young people and adults without the connections and formal support services to help them find the internship that will give them a leg up in the labor market. Efficient tracking of stakeholder contacts and the roles and responsibilities each assumes are crucial to success. This manual is intended to help anyone responsible for implementing a WBL program: counselors; career advisors; school administrators; teachers; or other district and school staff members. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the economy and educational system into turmoil. Obtain evaluations of the WBL activity from students and employers; these should be used for continuous improvement of the WBL program. Work-Based Learning. For example, rather than calling an employer to see if theyre hiring, I train the student on how to make that phone call on their own. If a plan is in place, staff should identify employers that have participated in WBL activities in the past and assess the nature and quality of their previous involvement. Employer engagement should take place on at least two levels: (1) broad awareness in the community about the role of WBL in preparing students for careers and (2) recruitment of specific employers to participate in one or more WBL activities. Build positive relationships with school staff and students. Employer-led efforts are the key to meeting the current demand for more work-based learning opportunities. All content seen is copyright Jobs for the Future, 2023. In order to identify career options that are a good "fit", it is important to complete assessments AND have help interpreting the results. Typically, the WBL coordinator acts as a liaison between employers and educators and ensures that each aspect of the WBL activity is implemented successfully. Carry out the WBL activity. 50 type-in . Im so grateful to be a coordinator of work-based learning. In order to overcome them, students need to believe in themselves and commit to persevering through setbacks. Prepare students, employers, and other participants for the WBL activity. Connect the classroom to the workplace. There are countless programs available to create avenues for individuals with disabilities to gain meaningful paid employment. Build understanding of skills required to succeed in the workplace. This document includes definitional standards for WBL and describes the benefits of participation to students, schools, employers, and community. And better policy choices can change them. Rules calendar, code revision forms, more K-20 network, E-rate, best practices, more, Resources, prohibiting discrimination, more. These experiences typically occur at an employer's worksite, where students participate in on-the-job learning, have an opportunity to develop skills that transfer to work, and receive supervision and mentoring on the job. Students interact one-on-one with employees in a specific industry or occupation. Send information about WBL home to parents who, in addition to being advocates for their childrens education and career development, may be employers or employees who can participate in WBL activities. Many high school students are able to graduate with entry-level career certifications or earn college credit for work . Some organizations, such as iCivics, which connects students to real-world civics, and the EcoMUVE program, which immerses students in environments that help them understand patterns in ecosystems, are utilizing simulations to engage learners within courses in todays curriculum. Define how WBL activities will complement classroom curricula and be integrated into academic learning. Depending on the specific WBL activity and context, school site responsibilities may rest with counselors, career advisors, teachers, or administrators. Conversely, learning from employers about any negative experiences can help in identifying changes that may be needed to ensure that future WBL activities lead to more positive experiences. This WBL manual has been developed by FHI 360 to guide implementation of WBL activities. We could build the augmented app for walking through the mall, as well as others that allowed young people to visit a science museum with an app that provides information about all of the back office work, the creation of exhibits, the graphics needed to design captions, and the maintaining of climate control, for example. More than 10,000+ students have been provided high quality work-based learning activities geared to their CTE track. With such skills in mind, many classroom situations can become teachable moments geared toward work-readiness, including undesirable behavior choices. Whenever possible, communications should build on employers previous WBL involvement. Work-based learning strategies provide career awareness, career exploration opportunities, career planning activities, and help students reach competencies such as positive work attitudes and . Engaging a wide range of employers in multiple WBL activities every year is critical to the very existence of WBL programs, let alone their success. Takes initiative and is able to work independently as needed; looks for the means to solve problems; actively seeks out new knowledge and skills; monitors his/her own learning needs; learns from his/her mistakes; and seeks information about related career options and postsecondary training. They start to believe in themselves on a much stronger level as they realize their capacity to participate in the workplace. Alignment with students career interests. Students have opportunities for deeper analysis and reflection to help refine their choices about future education and training. word "transition" means a set of activities intended to help them transition to life after high school. The more we can practice the activities and habits theyll need at work, the better. Many have grown up with extra support, and they may not realize that they can perform countless tasks on their own. They expand teachers knowledge of the careers in which their students are interested. The WBL continuum is a sequence of activities that starts with low-intensity experiences that begin to engage students in thinking about careers and gradually progresses into more in-depth, intensive experiences that include opportunities for hands-on learning. Every business knows that it is easier and less costly to generate repeat business from existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. Students will acquire a great deal of career information by conducting this research and sharing their findings with classmates. What came easily to you? These contact networks should be managed and maintained using the WBL database described above. Exposure to a wide range of industries and occupations. Certainly, the largest employers in the region should be asked to participate, but recruitment of employer representatives should probably focus on employer associations like chambers of commerce, other industry or trade associations (e.g., manufacturers association or home builders association) and service clubs (e.g., Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions). Over my years as a work coordinator, Ive learned many helpful approaches from seasoned colleagues and personal research. Sometimes they enable participating teachers to earn continuing education or graduate credits. Various forms of work-based learning include internships, on-the-job training, workplace simulations, and more recently, a growing number of high school-based apprenticeships. JFFLabs is the Jobs for the Future (JFF) innovation armwe catalyze new ways to achieve our mission at JFF and with our partners. Multiple, unconnected, and unexpected requests from multiple sources for WBL participation risk turning off the employers enthusiasm for WBL and conveying the impression that local WBL efforts are disorganized and inefficient. Developing the soft skills, or interpersonal skills, necessary to thrive at work. Assessment and Guidance What role do assessments play in career development? The plan will also define the costs associated with specific WBL activities (typically transportation to workplaces, substitute teachers, facility and food costs for career/college fairs, and staffing to provide support and supervision for activities that are implemented in the summer) with enough lead time to enable staff to develop strategies for securing the necessary budget resources. Functional counting and work skills. The following stakeholder partners are critical: Parents and students (and perhaps young alumni) should also be involved in the planning process, but it may make more sense to obtain their perspectives through focus groups early in the process rather than to ask them to attend a series of meetings where only parts of the discussion will be of interest. The COVID-19 pandemic has only amplified these existing inequalities. Too often, students with special education services develop over-dependence on adults at school. Technology holds potential to expand work-based learning opportunities for all learners, bringing more cohesion to youth pathways from elementary school through their postsecondary lives and into the labor market. The topics covered included entities that provide the CTE programs, the locations at which the CTE programs are offered to high school students, and work-based learning activities and employer involvement in CTE programs, as well as barriers preventing the school district from offering CTE programs and barriers to student participation in CTE . Assessments can help students make career decisions based on their own personal interests, abilities, and values. Consider publishing a periodic electronic WBL newsletter with highlights of recent and upcoming WBL activities, including photos and quotes from participants. Here are some highlights of these trends. Educators in the midst of a rapid pivot to remote learning understandably have limited capacity to focus on enhancing or expanding work-based learning. Any young person who wanted to gain real-world work experience would have easy access to a wide range of opportunities literally at their fingertips. Websites, SBE Elections, Contact Info, more Learning Standards & Instructional Materials, Professional Certification Webinars and Presentations, Privacy and Data - Protecting Student Privacy, L&I Workplace Health and Safety information, Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Curriculum for Teens, CEDARS WBL Activities Definitions and Scenarios, WBL & WSL Student Learning Plan and Evaluation, Apportionment, Enrollment, and Fiscal Reports. Partnerships, WBL, and AVID PEAK Coordinator. Demonstrates the following critical-thinking and problem-solving skills: exercises sound reasoning and analytical thinking; makes judgments and explains perspectives based on evidence and previous findings; and uses knowledge, facts, and data to solve problems. Students who participate in work-based learning may: It is each educator's responsibility to understand federal and state Labor and Industry laws and rules, particularly thosepertaining to minor workers. Technology has the potential to increase work-based learning experiences, but we must be strategic and thoughtful about making sure that these emerging tech solutions provide all students with access to a wide range of rich opportunities, regardless of zip code. Because WBL is not a one-time initiative, special efforts should be made to retain employers as WBL participants year after year. The K-12 and postsecondary education systems are deeply stratified by race and class, and do not live up to the essential American goal of providing equal opportunity. The coordinator should identify the right contact within each organization (perhaps in human resources) and request an opportunity to acquaint him/her with the full range of WBL activities to determine which provide the right fit between student interests and the employers ability to accommodate them. The planning process also provides a context for setting overall WBL priorities for a district or school. Manages time effectively; is punctual; takes responsibility; prioritizes tasks; brings tasks and projects to completion; demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior; and acts responsibly with others in mind. While many traditional and tech-based solutions are tackling one or two aspects of the work-based learning continuum, no single program or organization offers a complete end-to-end package of work-based learning from K12 to workforce, which means schools, parents, young people, and other adults have to pull together all of the pieces themselves. Contact local media outlets (print, radio, television, and school) to interest them in feature stories, appearances on talk shows, or coverage of WBL activities. Collect information on students career interests to help target employer recruitment. P-TECH lasts six years and gives students a high school degree, a community college degree, and significant work experience by the time they finish high school, with no tuition cost to the students and their parents. Comprehends verbal, written, and visual information and instructions; listens effectively; observes non-verbal communication; articulates and presents ideas and information clearly and effectively both verbally and in written form; and uses technology appropriately for communication. These options are beyond the scope of this manual and offer quite similar experiences to the internships addressed in Chapter 7. Further, the experiences that are available tend to mimic the current siloed thinking of education or work.. Career awareness activities expose students to a wide range of occupations in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. This can be accomplished by saving the document to an intranet or by using online services or cloud tools. If approaching an employer that has never participated in WBL, it is a good idea to start with an activity that is easiest for the employer (e.g., guest speakers or workplace tours) and build on a favorable experience by later requesting a more challenging form of participation. While we found promising trends and organizations, most work-based learning solutions still face several limitations overall: 1) youth have limited access to an integrated continuum of career exploration that leads to work-based experiences, particularly those most in need of these kinds of experiences; 2) its difficult for many organizations to leverage new technologies or sort through all of the available options to determine those most likely to be a good fit for their circumstancesespecially when there are several great tools that only address one part of the education-to-career continuum that make up a work-based learning experience; and 3) employers are generally absent from the conversation and dont yet realize how much they would benefit from being part of an effort to link education and workforce preparation systemically. WBL coordinators may find it necessary to meet immediate demands for WBL activities concurrently with developing a more comprehensive plan. A WBL database that tracks school staff and employer contacts will prove to be a vital asset for managing WBL activities. Work-based learning comprises a wide range of activities, conducted as an extended learning experience, including, guest speakers, field trips, job shadows, worksite learning, and more. Set priorities for making the inevitable trade-offs required by resource limitations. Develop contacts and share information about WBL with economic development agencies, colleges, workforce development boards, community-based organizations, non-profits such as United Way, and state departments of labor or commerce. The purposes of WBL are to build student awareness of potential careers, facilitate student exploration of career opportunities, and begin student preparation for careers. Work-based learning is an extremely valuable opportunity to bring out student strengths and help them leverage those strengths to lasting lifelong rewards. WBL coordinators have no more important task, and they probably do not have a more challenging one. The work-based learning activities are coordinated with school-based activities in an attempt to show students the "why" of what they are learning. The audiences for WBL awareness outreach are much broader than the more targeted audience for recruiting hosts for internships in a specific occupation, for example, because awareness and word of mouth are powerful recruitment tools. Similarly, recruiting employers in seasonal industries (e.g., agriculture, tourism, or construction trades) should focus on their off-peak seasons when they are more likely to be able to devote some time to a WBL activity. Migrant & multilingual, homeless, foster, more School safety, Physical health, nursing, more, Applicants, certified administrators, more. This supports their ability to maintain employment for the long haul. Their skills badging system also allows both employees and employers to recognize where employees are on their trajectories both before and after employment. In addition, students who participate in work-based learning deepen their understanding of both specific career options and of the world of work. Recruit stakeholders to participate in the WBL activity. The WBL coordinator should think broadly about how to reach all kinds of employers, not only in the business sector but also in the public and non-profit sectors and among the self-employed. Perkins V defines WBL and uses the term in many sections, including in reference to state plans, programs of study, and collaboration among secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, and employers. The term WBL coordinator is used throughout the manual to refer to the individual responsible for coordinating a WBL activity and serving as a single point of contact for employers. [1]Workforce development boards (WDBs), sometimes called workforce boards or workforce investment boards (WIBs), coordinate workforce development resources at the state, regional, and/or local levels, develop strategic plans, and establish funding priorities. 1. While education beyond high school is the surest ticket to the middle class, the postsecondary landscape is complicated and hard to navigate. Key factors in employer retention include: communicating clearly and concisely before, during, and after the activity; ensuring that employers expectations for how the WBL activity will be implemented are met (i.e., no surprises); making certain that students are well-prepared to make the experience a positive one for the employer; soliciting feedback that can be used to improve future WBL activities; and providing appropriate feedback, appreciation, and recognition. For many young people, the path from the K-12 educational system to a good job as an adult is an obstacle course. Demonstrates originality and inventiveness in work; communicates new ideas to others; and integrates knowledge across different disciplines. Lay out a schedule of which WBL activities will be implemented for which students/schools at what point in the year. Engage key education and employer stakeholders to gain their support and ensure that WBL activities can be carried out efficiently and effectively. Another very successful program, P-TECH (Pathways in Technology), started as a collaboration between IBM, the New York City Department of Education, and the City University of New York. As more WBL activities are implemented and staff changes occur, new staff members can use the database to ensure consistency and continuity. Countless students have reconnected over the years to tell me their own success stories, which were launched by their high school work program experiences. A sample WBL database template is provided in the Resources section of this introduction. We support CTE high school students in advancing their post-secondary education and career aspirations through valuable work-based learning activities. One reason for low participation is lack of awareness about potential work-based learning . The activity provides information about the types of careers available, the people in them and what they do, and the education and training required for those careers. For those who do not enroll in collegeas well as for the many who do enroll but dont complete a degree or certificationemployment prospects are largely limited to low-wage jobs. This lesson provides an overview of work-based learning, its importance, and laws that influence work-based learning for students with disabilities. The following chart presents a typology of workplace skills. Exposure to careers through an individual WBL activity can be beneficial, but students attain best results when WBL activities are structured and sequenced over several years. Provide structured opportunities for students to reflect on what they learned and how they can apply it to subsequent career development and academic work. Before moving on to a chapter about a specific WBL activity, users should review the entire introduction. As a next step after career awareness, career exploration activities are usually more focused on specific careers in which students are interested. These resources are intended to support leaders who are implementing and scaling up work-based learning in states and regions across the Pathways to Prosperity Network. Instead, the WBL coordinator should use an account management approach and serve as a single point of contact for all communication with these high-priority employers (even if it is necessary to hand off some coordination responsibility for specific activities led by school-based staff). In this report, we highlight four state policy strategies to expand the availability of relationship-rich work-based opportunities: developing a clear vision, definitions, and goals; identifying and tracking program quality metrics; supporting implementation with adequate funding and professional development; and coordinating across state agencies and local programs. Employers whose initial experience with WBL is positive are much more likely to participate again, participate in the more challenging WBL activities, and to recruit their peers in their own organizations and others to participate in WBL. Become aware of career opportunities, explore those of interest, and start preparing for them. Georgia Student Health Survey Dashboard Georgia's Tiered System of Supports Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports School Climate School Safety Developing the soft skills, or interpersonal skills, necessary to thrive at work. In the early stages of implementing WBL, it may be necessary to conduct research to identify what employers exist in the local area, what industries they represent, and how many employees they have. In this blog we focus on the K12 and postsecondary market. It may be as simple as a calendar with a weekly or monthly listing of which WBL activities are planned for which students and which employers. Encourage deep thinking and discussion by conducting Socratic seminars where you engage your students in thoughtful dialogue on a given topic; getting them to share their perspectives and support . Phone: 864-397-1083. When introducing WBL activities to a community or region, it is wise to start with those that are easiest to implement successfullyparticularly those in which employers are most likely to participate. Issues of student privacy are also more complex for those under 18. From this place, you can engage in problem-solving together. The WBL coordinator (and other district or school staff) should begin by convening key stakeholders to develop a comprehensive WBL plan that will: In addition to serving as a framework for organizing the work of WBL coordinators and other district or school staff, the WBL planning process is an opportunity to enlist the support of those most critical to implementation of individual WBL activities. Continuously bring it back to their skills for work, rather than school rules or policies they may find arbitrary. For WBL activities that take place in the summer (e.g., student internships and teacher externships), the district or school may need to budget for related staffing and logistical costs and ensure appropriate staffing throughout implementation. Student performance is evaluated by employers. It may also be used as a tool for engaging media interest in WBL. Work-based learning, which is a sequenced and coordinated set of activities through which students gain increasing exposure to the world of work, is a core component of the Pathways to Prosperity framework. Ensure that everyone involved understands and accepts his or her responsibilities. Among students and employers, there are few shared benchmarks outlining the skill requirements for different industries and occupations, how to obtain those skills, and how to measure them. What Employers Need to Know: Frequently Asked Questions about High School Students in Workplaces. These awareness, exploration, and preparation activities help students make informed decisions about high school course and program enrollment and about postsecondary education and training. Many students use these activities to help make decisions about future education and training options. Our landscape scan revealed a number of specific challenges particular to young people participating in the work-based learning activities that would support their development and help them engage in careers of most interest: While technology holds great promise for strengthening and complementing work-based learning strategies, there is nothing like the real-world experiences of interacting with supervisors and co-workers, getting to work on time, and learning new skills on the job.

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