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Goodquality, readymade BNCtoBNC and BNCtophono cables are also easy to find and not too expensive and, since most BNC patch panels have BNC connectors on both sides, no soldering is necessary. Routing Phantom Power Through A Patchbay By Sweetwater on Jan 13, 1998, 12:00 AM F rom inSync reader Brian L: "My Korg 168RC has 2 XLR mic inputs with phantom power. The key is to understanding how ones ground structure in particular regarding the channel that phantom power is wanted to be present on. My BIGGEST concern is phantom power getting sent to the wrong place and damaging some equipment. 2022 Sep 14;12:970299. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.970299. Recording What is a patchbay (and when do you need one)? The mic input stage can be destroyed outright (particularly with older types of electronically balanced inputs) but it is more usual to find a gradual degradation in performance as various circuit components deteriorate. Wire from the back of that to a male XLR to lug into the pre itself. Re: Studiomaster Mixdown PSU bypassing, recapping & mods help, Re: Interface Q yet again - replace old Duet 2. 1996;41:11124. Note: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/acabfa. Privacy Policy. Bookshelf the back connectors are wired together so that a signal just passes straight through. 55;134362. XLR sockets are designed so that the earth connector (pin 1) contacts first, with the two signal pins connecting fractionally later, thus avoiding any chance of the phantom supply being shorted. No Normals - Straight Thru is when the top-row of patch points (jacks) is not connected to the bottom-row patch points. How can I connect a mono signal to a stereo input on a patchbay? From inSync reader Brian L: My Korg 168RC has 2 XLR mic inputs with phantom power. off. The key is to understanding how ones ground structure in particular regarding the channel that phantom power is wanted to be present on. (B and C) Comparison of SECT (B) and DECT (C) doses for the posterior oblique fields (red arrow) traversing through a region with dense lipiodol uptake in the liver. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. This allows the audio or video signal to pass-through the patchbay without using a patch cable. eCollection 2022. This might not sound particularly important, but it means that the contact springs in the PO316 socket don't bend very far when the plug is inserted, reducing the stress on the contacts and lowering the effort needing to insert the plug. Mic or Preamp: Which Should You Upgrade First? I would then connect the XLR-M side to the first row of TRS inputs on the back of a Neutrik NYS-SPP-L? Assuming that there are no issues with putting phantom power through your XLR patch bay the plug through . The former arrangement makes modification difficult, but the latter, although much more flexible, requires bigger cables and a lot more terminations in the wiring frame! For more information, please see our Exclusive deals, delivered straight to your inbox. The AES and EBU don't recommend this, though, and it runs the risk of accidental crosspatching with analogue circuits. So, once your equipment list starts to grow, and the mixer has more than about eight outputs, it is time to consider installing a patchbay you can start small and expand later. Organ-at-risk (OAR) contours for constrictors (green) and left submandibular (yellow) are shown. Q. I would like to route these two inputs to two points on my TRS patchbay, so that I can plug a mic into the patchbay, rather than have to reach around the back of the rack. Is there an easy way to block phantom power on acable? Almost done! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Unfortunately, scaling the dimensions also reduces the contact area and the durability of the system, particularly the sockets. Avoid it. Also, unless the patchbay labelling is extremely clear (see page 128), it is all too easy to plug a line source into a microphone input accidentally. Yes, they're not as high density as a TT bay. The answer is yes, but with care. Again, normalled circuits are not possible and the user ought to find some way of avoiding analogue (microphone) and digital circuits being crossplugged, or inappropriate mic leads being used to patch digital signals. However, the disadvantage is that there are twice as many connectors in the system, inherently reducing reliability, but if the amount of repatching is low, Agauge jackfields are perfectly acceptable and very costeffective. I use an XLR to TRS cable/adapter then plug into the preamp in, on my patchbay. Would this solve my phantom power concerns or am I missing something here? Med Phys. Routing Phantom Power Through A Patchbay. Many Label Makers now use thermal printing and with the many different color combos offered you can really make some great labels for your patchbay. Strapping grounds on a punch-down style patchbay is even easier. If you do a lot of repatching of sources, for example, it may be a good idea to have a small 'Source' jackfield close to hand containing the console channel inputs and all the relevant sound sources. Never use a parallel strip for combining signals the output drivers of most modern equipment will expire if you try it! The Bgauge patchbay is the first choice for professionals because of its proven reliability, with Bantam jackfields employed where space is at a premium. Well it might be, but you would be putting 48 volts across the output pins of the microphone. The arrangement shown at the top of this page allows precisely this. This shortcircuits the phantom supply, bridging the +48V line straight to the earth return and, although the phantom supply should cope, the resulting voltage spike can cause irreparable damage to the input circuitry of the mixer channel. This short-circuits the phantom power supply by bridging the +48V line straight to the ground and, although most phantom power supplies can handle it, the resulting voltage spike can cause great damage to the input preamp(s) of your audio desk or high-end mic Pre's. Depending on the abilities of the equipment being connected, mixing balanced and unbalanced signals on the same jackfield shouldn't cause any more problems than connecting the equipment together directly. Thank you for your request. When youre sure that your studio has a perfect grounding scheme and you want all of your patch points to share the same ground, you want bussed grounds. Creative Ways to Use Room Mics Not Just for Drums! Otherwise you get . Unfortunately, the simple answer is no. Plan optimization is performed using the single-energy computed tomography (SECT) image. gday im looking at getting an audio accessories TT patchbay with DB25 outs and possibly quick-switching (something like the 2x48x1.5RU Order No. The one standard which most jackfields adopt is to use red to indicate halfnormalled sockets, warning that a normalled circuit will be broken if a plug is inserted. However, if you use a large format console with one-button that turns on the phantom power for all channels you will need to strap the grounds together on the patchbay channels you want to phantom-power. However, as the amount and sophistication of the equipment increases, so too does the requirement for flexibility the need to connect up a borrowed synth, or a temporary second master recorder, to patch a compressor to channel 6 instead of channel 1, or key the noise gate from channel 10. Use XLR connectors instead. Normalling-your-patchbay-grounding, Normalling your patchbay Part 3 - GROUNDING. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! As the other comment says, you can have phantom power at the patchbay and it will work fine. To learn more about our cookie policy, please visit our Privacy Policy. As the patch cable plug is inserted into the Patchbay, the tip of the plug will momentarily connect with the ring contact in the socket, while the ring of the plug touches the sleeve contact. Dosimetric comparison of stopping power calibration with dual-energy CT and single-energy CT in proton therapy treatment planning. One frequently asked question, therefore, is whether you can use patchbays to simplify the digital routing in your studio. All rights reserved. Images of setups 1, 2, and 3 with the corresponding locations of the plugs circled in red (F). 1973;46:101622. # 3 bonneybear Gear Nut 15 years Yeah why not. Q. I do it all the time, for a ref vocal in the control room. The pre-amp input stage can be damaged right off the bat (particularly with older types of electronically balanced inputs) but, it is more normal to find a gradual degradation in performance as various circuit components deteriorate. Walk into any professional studio and you will find a patchbay (or jackfield, to use the original British term) lurking in a rack somewhere. Is it Ok to mix balanced and unbalanced connections? The answer is to connect the tip (and ring, in balanced interfaces) contact(s) of the left channel input socket to the switching contact(s) of the right channel's input socket. So, turn off phantom, plug in your mic, and switch the phantom back on, and all will be grand! There are several ways to colour the patchbay labels: professionals tend to use coloured film over printed labels, but you might find it easier to colour the label strips with highlighter pens, or make your own coloured labels on an inkjet printer. What would be the most practical way to setup my patchbay to record vocals and my keyboards without running phantom power through my patchbay. Epub 2020 Sep 10. My patchbay is 1/4" TRS. This configuration is the way to go if you have equipment that is notorious for grounding problems or if your studio is inherently noisy. method your console uses and how long it takes for the voltage at the microphone Experimental validation of two dual-energy CT methods for proton therapy using heterogeneous tissue samples. When patching microphones through a patchbay that are being supplied phantom power from a mixing board, patching a mic can damage the console or mic if the grounds are not strapped on the Patchbay! Sample DVH bands for the right parotid (B) and brainstem and mandible (C) are shown for SECT optimization versus DECT optimization. Turn your old gear into new gear with the Sweetwater Gear Exchange! Programmable patchbays offer removable shunts that allow the user to configure each patch points configuration (isolated, normalled or half normalled) and ground state (isolated, bussed or looped) quickly and easily. PMC In an effort to set things straight, I have tried to answer many of the most common patchbay questions we receive at Sound On Sound. The different types available, their setup, and their exact function in a studio can be the source of considerable confusion. Fortunately, it is easily solved with a special version of halfnormalling called 'stereo halfnormalling'! All rights reserved. With a transformer coupled input, you risk magnetizing it to you until you understand it. . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Strapping the grounds on your patchbay prevents this from happening to your gear. off the phantom powering first, and/or unplug the sensitive microphones (ribbons) before repatching any of these lines. The problem with putting phantom power through a patch bay is that whenever a jack plug is inserted, it momentarily shorts the phantom supply, which can destroy mixer input channels. I enjoyed Hugh Robjohns excellent article Patchbays In The Modern Studio [SOS December 2020] but one point he made left me confused: he said that you shouldnt put mic preamp inputs on the main patchbay but, instead, give them their own XLR inputs. The problem with putting phantom power through a patch bay is that whenever a jack plug is inserted, it momentarily shorts the phantom supply, which can destroy mixer input channels. The capacitor should be chosen for the device with the lowest output impedance: the lower the output impedance, the bigger the capacitor needs to be. As the patch cable plug is inserted into the Patchbay, the tip of the plug will momentarily connect with the ring contact in the socket, while the . When you insert a plug, you are shorting out the connector, potentially causing the phantom power circuit distress. Avoid putting the jackfield in the same rack as machines with fans, or which generate a lot of heat, as the forced or convective air currents often end up entering or exiting the rack through the jack sockets, depositing a frightening amount of dust and grime along the way. Set up a *separate* 1/4" TRS bay to have 1 jack per preamp output. In my experience, Bantam jackfields are notoriously unreliable and should be avoided whenever possible! However, Im not afan of draping long patchcords around the place between bays, and especially not on aregular basis. To learn more about our cookie policy, please visit our Privacy Policy. You have Y# of condenser mics. A non-normal circuit at the patchbay does not apply to this concept since inserting a patch cord is required to complete this circuit and ground will then be provided. AKG C414 The Ultimate Comparison: XLS vs XLII vs B-ULS vs EB. You are using an out of date browser. Standard patchbays cater for balanced and unbalanced analogue connections between pieces of studio equipment. With over 28,000 articles and counting, inSync is your FREE resource for breaking news, reviews, demos, interviews, and more. Q. On Bgauge and Bantam jack fields, normalling is either hardwired between the contacts of the jack sockets themselves, or performed at a central wiring frame each contact of every socket being wired back to this point. Now close the plastic. National Library of Medicine Phys Med Biol. This handy configuration is useful when it is necessary to carry the shield from the source equipment all the way through to the destination equipment that is being normalled through the patchbay. Sometimes a couple of smaller patchbays work better than a single large one. 2023 Feb 6;68(4). Q. it should not be a problem given the signal path lengths we are talking about. An example setup for a simple tworow patchbay with two main sound sources and a fourtrack recorder. These sprays evaporate leaving the contacts clean, dry and free of sticky residue never use spray lubricants or oils, such as WD40, because these do leave sticky residues, attracting dust and making dirty contact problems a thousand times worse! Q. Many connections will not require normalling but are still closely related, such as channel or group inserts and the appropriate outboard equipment. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. However, I know of several installations employing standard Bgauge patchbays to route AESEBU very effectively, complete with conventional normalling techniques. These days another great method for making your patchbay labels is to get a Label Maker. When patching microphones through a patchbay that are being supplied phantom power from a mixing board, patching a mic can damage the console or mic if the grounds are not strapped on the Patchbay! JavaScript is disabled. In a singlenormalled patch bay, plugging a jack into either socket breaks the signal path, while in a doublenormalled patchbay the signal path is only broken if both sockets are filled. FOIA It is feasible to use DECT for proton-dose calculation in a commercial treatment planning system in a safe manner. From what I've seen is a lot of guys recommending getting an XLR patchbay to avoid phantom power dangers. Exclusive deals, delivered straight to your inbox. Dual- and multi-energy CT for particle stopping-power estimation: current state, challenges and potential. A properly designed jackfield has selfcleaning wiping contacts so a single twist of the wrist, from one extent to the other and back, as the plug is inserted, is all that is required. It is not possible to send phantom power through an unbalanced patchbay. -, Paganetti H. Range uncertainties in proton therapy and the role of Monte Carlo simulations. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For the CIRS Phantom, the corresponding results were 0.74% and 2.27%. Prevention is better than cure, so avoid having dust and dirt enter the jackfield in the first place. I've read conflicting reports regarding the safety of running phantom power through a patchbay. Method #1: Plug the mic cable into the front of the XLR patchbay, Go from the back of the XLR patchbay to the preamp inputs, go from the preamp outputs to the mixer channels, and just switch the mic cable on the front of the XLR bay. and I decide when I do get to that point. I usually use a 57 , Phantom 48 v turned off ! It's a very reliable technique but not particularly flexible, as it is often awkward to repatch the equipment, or accommodate a temporary device. Normalled connections should be planned carefully before you connect anything to the patchbay the classic cockup is to accidentally normal the output of a signal processor to its own input, creating a permanent howlround condition that is definitely not good for the processor! Effect of DECT SPR calculation on CIRS Phantom size (setup 1 versus 2) (C) and location of plugs (setup 2 versus 3) (D) within the full phantom. Jackfields are arranged with paired rows of sockets and these are always connected with outputs on the upper row and inputs on the lower row mainly to facilitate any normalling links. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. Also, be aware that phantom should be turned off when you are inserting a connector into the bay. Patch bays make life so much easier when working on projects but does it takes time and money to get them setup. When the normalled pair of connectors are positioned to the rear, the source and destination plugs from the equipment break the link anyway, but if the card is repositioned with the normalled connectors at the front, a halfnormalled connection is established between the source and destination. For 500series racks, if theyre likely to host any mic preamps, then Id suggest connecting the inputs to the mic patchbay too. A half normal circuit is not recommended for phantom power applications. Assuming a fairly typical 6 x 24 jackfield is required, with 40 twofoot patch cords, a typical PO316 system would cost about 1,170, with a Bantam field taking half the rack space but 1,208 of the budget. With nothing connected, the keyboard signal flows past the upper socket and through the switching contacts of the bottom socket, straight to the mixer. So I'm working on designing the patchbay setup for a new studio. Id prefer to haveaccess to all these line devices from my main patchbay. Plugging a PO316 (Bgauge) plug into a TRS socket will result in a very dodgy connection, as the contacts will barely reach the thinnerbodied plug. The POOLCLEANER is a patented 4 wheel drive. The best way to design a patchbay is to draw it on squared paper, working from a list of all the connections and normalling requirements. Featuring solid construction with 48, 1/4" phone plugs on the front and 48, 1/4" phone plugs on the rear, the S patch plus will provide reliable operation while maintaining a clean signal path. Posted in I use these at home now: All contents copyright SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2023. 2. On most Agauge patchbays, each vertical pair of sockets is mounted on a separate circuit card patching sockets on one edge and rearpanel sockets on the other. Products, practices, and stories about the profession or hobby of recording, editing, and producing audio. You need to turn off phantom power on your board or preamp, wait for the capacitors to discharge fully, then patch. Here at Bittree we aim to give you an introduction to the world of grounding as it relates to your patchbay. One common source of these enquiries is patchbays and their role in the project studio. In practice, acapacitor of 10uF or larger will do the trick. phantom power supply. An official website of the United States government. Using a voltmeter, or the console schematics, determine which New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Placing a patch cable into the either row breaks the signal path. When you insert a plug, you are shorting out the connector, potentially causing the phantom power circuit distress. The Bantam plug is really just a miniaturised version of the PO316, designed to allow a much higher density of connectors in a given rack space. Separate Patchbay for Mics? my second point covered the possibility of mics requiring phantom power. Br J Radiol. Thank you for your request. -, Br E, Lalonde A, Zhang R, Jee K-W, Yang K, Sharp G, Liu B, Royle G, Bouchard H, Lu H-M. For the sake of completeness, other common types of normalling are called 'Single' and 'Double'. All contents copyright SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2023. In our experience, you should not experience any difficulties with routing phantom power through a balanced patchbay but it must be a BALANCED (or TRS) patchbay (which is what your message indicates you are using).A couple of things to be aware of: Avoid plugging unbalanced gear into the powered patchbay jacks when the power is turned on. Comparison of proton therapy treatment planning for head tumors with a pencil beam algorithm on dual and single energy CT images. Now feed your white sheet through the laminating machine. Infrequently! New Loops Releases 'Organika - Pigments Sound Bank'- 20% Off! Now go to you local Fedex Kinko's or any good Office Supply in your area and get 1 sheet of 10-pound Glossy-White that is 17" long. 682-277-7968 - 4,609 Orders Shipped 2023 Mr. Patchbay. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. In summary, again, all Bittree patchbays are capable of passing Phantom Power. This setup may present problems for you if you have condenser mics that need phantom power. Typically, Id have acouple of sockets on the main patchbay labelled Mic Patch Tieline 1/2 or similar, and on the mic patchbay Id have acorresponding number of male XLRs labelled Main Patch Tieline 1/2. Also, with active phantom power, it is a best practice to turn the input gain down when patching into any phantom power patch point and never apply phantom power to a ribbon microphone. I ran a commercial studio for over 20 years and the only time the phantom power was turned off was when I was doing something different, like plugging the output of a . 969-S (Switched) Series Front Programmable Patchbay, 968 Series Internally Programmable Patchbay, 968-S (Switched) Series Internally Programmable Patchbay, 961 Series Solder Style Rock and Roll Patchbay, 489-S (Switched) Series Front Programmable Patchbay, 488 Series Internally Programmable (1RU) Patchbay, 481 Series Solder Style Rock and Roll Patchbay, Normalling your patchbay Part 3 - GROUNDING, Patchbay Phantom Power - Using phantom power with your patchbay. Of the technical queries received at Sound On Sound, many fall into the 'hardy perennial' category. The rule was to never use the phantom power on the pres themselves. The .gov means its official. Break the feed to the 6k81 phantom feed resistors, either Plus strapping the grounds is easy to do( just ask me and I can do this for you!). Feel free to call us toll free at (800)222-4700, Mon-Thu 9-9, Fri 9-8, and Sat 9-7 Eastern. Link wires in the frame semipermanently allocate sources and destinations to the relevant sockets, which is very reliable and provides flexibility if the jackfield has to be modified later, but it is also quite timeconsuming and expensive. Phys Med Biol. First of all., let me confirm how I'm understanding things.. you only need to have the mic go into slot 1 of the xlr bay. Of the two sockets involved in a normalled connection, the first (upper) carries the output of one piece of equipment, and the second (lower) the input to another device let's consider a keyboard output and a desk channel line input. The calibration of CT Hounsfield units for radiotherapy treatment planning. It is way to easy to patch something together that is not tolerant of 48VDC. Do I run the snake from the control room to the XLR-F side of a unit like the Art P16? 2016 Jan;43(1):495. doi: 10.1118/1.4939106. The default connections for the studio should be normalled the idea is that the studio should operate without any patching (although it is usual to patch microphones). Conclusion: Optical patch panels are available (Studiospares sell one, for example) and neatly avoid groundloop problems, but I wouldn't recommend this approach, as the digital data can be degraded very quickly by the smallest imperfections in the fibres, or connector misalignment. If you are lucky the result will be a loud and horribly distorted signal, but it is possible for the phantom power on the mic sockets to destroy the output stage of the line source you are trying to connect! Purpose: There is no one standard for colouring patchbay labels, although there are a few common designations, but developing a colourcoding system can save a lot of time in locating a specific connection on the jackfield.

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