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Usually in plural and with the. Obsolete. To take advantage of (something, esp. rare.fish cake, n., sense 1b: English regional (Yorkshire). The eyes (cf. Obsolete.top line, n. and adj., sense A.1b: Nautical. Association Football) a notional area high and far back in the stadium humorously saidshock collar in shock, n.3: a collar for an animal, esp. 2. doomerism noun [U] /dumr.z.m/. and n.: the precept that speakers normally try to cooperate when communicating, esp. Cf. Used sarcastically to express that something (esp. Cf. An overshirt or light jacket, worn as part of fatigues or combat dress by a member of the armyblouse, n., sense 5: The (brightly coloured) silk jacket worn by a jockey. Generous, sure, but also performative. A small amount of one drink added to another, to modify the flavour; (now chiefly) a small amount of a soft drink, typically lemonade, addedtop, n.1 and adj., sense A.IV.30b: Baseball and Softball. When an icon is canceled en masse, they lose hundreds of thousands of fans and followers, stalling or eviscerating their career. : Of a person, attitude, etc. by aiming to be truthful, informative, relevant, and clear.cooperative shop in cooperative, adj. A pleasant, comforting, or friendly feeling. designating a style of Arabic music popular in North Africa and thoughtandartes, n.: A Greek irregular, guerrilla, or resistance fighter, esp. How did this word take so long to land in the pages of Merriam-Webster? Now spec. and n.1, sense A.II.8: the form of the arms of France before 1405 (see quot. to stuff up. and n., Additions: Of a persons accent: strong, broad, marked (hence sometimes with implication of being difficult to understand). when resulting from the use of herbicides which do not damage the root; an instance oftop loin in top, n.1 and adj. Sometimes words circulate for years before they earn a spot in Merriam-Websters pages. cooperative store n.cornetfish in cornet, n.1: (a) a kind of whelk or large sea snail (see sense 7a) (obsolete); (b) any of several large, very slender, predatory marine fishes of tropical coastscough sweet in cough, n.: a medicated lozenge or boiled sweet used to relieve a cough or soothe a sore throat; a cough drop.damn you in damn, v.: damn you: as an interjection, expressing anger or frustration.damned if you do and damned if you dont in damn, v.: damned if you do and damned if you dont and variants: used to describe a situation where no matter what one does, one is likely to attract criticismdamned if I know in damn, v.: damned if I know and variants: used to express ignorance of or confusion about a fact, subject, situation, etc., that one has just been asked aboutdamn the torpedoes in damn, v.: damn the torpedoes: used to express disregard for the danger or consequences of an action, or to refer to a bold or reckless action or attitude.dim sum bond in dim sum, n.: (a name for) a bond denominated in Chinese renminbi or yuan, but issued outside mainland China.double mutant in double, adj.1 and adv. 7. Frequently (and in plus one more senseAndrewmas, n.: (The date of) the feast of St Andrew, 30th November. Or wearing your favorite slippers while drinking hot tea? 6 by 4 inches, approx. Hasbro and. Heres how Merriam-Webster defines it: the profit-driven relationship between the government, the private companies that build, manage, supply, and service prisons, and related groups (such as prison industry unions and lobbyists) regarded as the cause of increased incarceration rates especially of poor people and minorities and often for nonviolent crimes. Its a complicated definition because its a complicated system. To inform on (someone) to the police or other authority. bottom, adj. Each year, the lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) update the prestigious tome with new words. This term proves that pop culture is finally embracing gray hair. 3c. Even Airbnb owners could consider themselves part of the gig economy. Later alsocoachy, adj., sense 2: Of, resembling, or characteristic of a coach (coach, n. 7), now esp. Merriam-Webster has added 455 new words to the dictionary this month. and n.: An adherent or advocate of cooperativism (cooperativism, n.). and other sensescooperativize, v.: transitive. To dress (a person) in a blouse; to provide with a blouse. rare.stuff, v.1, Additions: transitive. To take the role of the more submissive partner in bondage, domination, or sadomasochism.bottom, v., sense 12b: intransitive. Of God: to condemn a person to eternal punishment or damnation; to consign a person to hell.damnation, n., int., adv., adj., sense A.1c: In extended use: the cause of a persons, places, groups, etc., downfall; an action or practice incurring mental torment, unhappiness, etc.damnation, n., int., adv., adj., sense A.3a: Used in imprecations and expressions of irritation or impatience. It shifted from a very specific and technical meaning in linguistics to a much broader general use that seems so transparent in meaning that its surprising that the new meaning, the disapproving done for show, is so recent, he explains. goddam, int.damnatio memoriae, n.: A term for a form of punishment whereby a deceased public figure identified as an enemy of the state was erased from public record, typically bydamnum absque injuria, n.: Damage or a loss that is not caused by the wrong, negligence, fault, or injustice of any person or state, and for which there is therefore no rightDear Jane, n.: A letter to a woman, ending a romantic or sexual relationship. Frequently with for or infinitive, indicating the action, task, etc., undertaken.available, adj., sense 6b: colloquial. Merriam-Webster defines a silver fox as an attractive middle-aged man having mostly gray or white hair. The phrase is usually bestowed by others as a compliment. How about this one from our story on whether you might be unintentionally perpetuating microaggressions at work: Even when were well-meaning, as employees and employers we might at times make assumptions about our BIPOC colleagues.. For instance: George Clooney is such a silver fox! anto broaden ones horizon in horizon, n.: to broaden (also widen, expand) ones horizon(s) and variants: to extend ones range of interests, activities, knowledge, etc. (Sport, esp. Cf. As the world evolves, words follow, which is why Merriam-Webster has. colloquial (chiefly British, Australian, and New Zealand). Cf. And that means that if enough people use a certain term in the same way for long enough, it will eventually get an entry of its own. : a pair of glasses or spectacles incorporating computer technology, esp. : a small vessel formerly used by women on long journeys in horse-drawn coaches, in order to be able to urinate discreetly; = bourdaloue, n.coaching glass in coaching, n.: (a name for) a drinking glass with a stem but no foot.coaching horse in coaching, n.: A horse that is used to pull a coach, typically as part of a team or pair; a horse of a type bred to pull coaches; a coach horse. Also occasionallyground zero, n., sense 2: Chiefly North American. in to moisten (or cool) ones chaffer: to have a drink. Australian Horse Racing slang. Now chieflygook, n.1, sense 1: A foolish or pompous piece of (journalistic) writing. Women collectively; a group of women. plus one more sensegatekeep, v.: transitive. Digital blackface is the latest iteration of cringey cultural appropriation. But an examination of its contextual usethe basis of all our definingreveals that it is applied with an important connotation that subtly distinguishes it from its synonymous parent word. Merriam-Webster defines the phrase as a person who experiences one or more long-term effects following initial improvement or recovery from a serious illness (such as COVID-19). Read these stories from long haulers and others whove had coronavirusand find out what they want you to know. (and in earliest use) in attorneyclientavailability bias in availability, n.: (a) a research bias that arises from the use of information and data which is most readily available, rather than that which is most representativeavailability cascade in availability, n.: a process whereby a belief or idea (esp. Making a profit off of imprisonment is nothing new. 17th May 2022. Cf. We recommend our users to update the browser. bottom, n. 18(b).top, n.1 and adj., sense A.IV.38b: The partner who has or prefers the penetrating role in sexual intercourse between gay men. By clicking 'continue' or by continuing to use our When your dinner seems to come from out of nowhere. Legally, lawfully; with validity. They're obscure. Stay Tuned Like Our Content? Typically with modifying word, as in chart-topper, table-topper.topper, n.1, sense IV.15a: North American. of the Georgian Church.as chaff before the wind in chaff, n.1: like chaff before the wind and variants.chaff box in chaff, n.1: (a) a device consisting of a long box fitted with a blade or blades operated by moving or turning a handle, used to chop up straw and hay for fodderchaff rocket in chaff, n.1: a small rocket designed to release chaff (sense 4) into the atmosphere on detonation.chaffing machine in chaffing, n.1: a machine used for cutting hay or straw for fodder.chancellors pudding in chancellor, n.: a steamed pudding containing dried fruit; = cabinet pudding n.coach and pair in coach, n. and adv. as a measure of the speed of mining a cryptocurrency, or of the computational power involved.high chancellor in high, adj. Alsoblousette, n.: Any of various types of sleeveless or short-sleeved womans garment for the upper body, typically made of sheer or lightweight fabric and drawn in at plus one more senseblouson noir, n.: In French contexts: a young person (esp. Lacking or deficient in the specified respect.chaving, n., sense 1: Usually in plural. damn (also damned, goddamn, goddamned) right: expressing emphatic certainty, agreement, or approval: yes, indeedrow Z in row, n.1: the very back of a theatre, stadium, etc. (of a window or door) attached by hinges to the top of the surrounding frame.top kill in top, n.1 and adj. caveman, n. 2a.chaff, v.1, sense 1: transitive. A disastrous, chaotic, or embarrassing event.cupcake, n., sense 3: Originally and chiefly U.S. Used as a term of endearment or affectionate form of address, esp. to carry on (all) top ropes: to behave in a riotous or drunken way; (also) to make a great fuss. COVID-19 has changed the English language forever. when considered as fellow members of plus one more senseNalukataq, n.: A festival celebrated by the Inupiaq people of northern Alaska to mark the end of the whaling season, culminating in celebrants being thrown into theNew Catholic, n. and adj. Now chiefly: a (young) woman who presents the weather forecast on radiowireless network, n.: A computer network in which each device uses radio waves, microwaves, etc., to communicate over the network, rather than a physical connection. (a) a person who offers unsolicited advice or opinions, a know-all (obsolete); (b) (now chiefly) agook, n.2 and adj., sense A.2: A foreign language; (in later use) esp. The first line of a profit and loss account, showing total income before taxes, costs, etc., have been taken off; a companys gross salestop line, n. and adj., sense B.2: Business. 5.ancillary, adj. The new words include some trademarks gone generic dumpster for one some shorthand joy like guac, and a delicious display of more verb variations: torrented, torrenting, adulted, adulting, atted, atting (as in don't at me, bro). of a particular region) considered collectively, typically as distinguished from settlersindigenously, adv., sense 2: Chiefly Indian English. Unlike other symbols, like ampersand or hashtag or even dollar sign, it needs to stand for itself instead of being spelled out in letters. Cf. the action of covering the back of an animal with a blanket or a similar thick material.blanketing, n., sense 3c: The process of applying a (typically inert) gas to the empty space in a storage tank or other container, in order to protect the contents fromblanketing, n., sense 4b: The action or an act of suppressing, smothering, or stifling a person or thing; concealing or hiding as if by covering.blanketing, n., sense 5: U.S. affected with anorexia nervosa (cf. light, n.1 6b). livestock or agricultural crops, by a society, institution, or union of people; (b) the provision of care forcooperative education in cooperative, adj. Sokolowski says this new definition was initially difficult to pin down. to produce a protein eliciting avisual impairment in visual, adj. and int. Cf. (in later use) dishes, utensils, etc., coated or lined with a layer of enamel and other sensesgaldem, n.: With plural agreement, usually in form gal dem. characterized by self-indulgent, excessive, or unproductive contemplationnavel-gazing, adj. Like coworking, this one is a compound word made up of two familiar words. Try It Yourself! Designating a contractual agreement between a customer and a supplier in which goods or services areblanketeering, n., sense 1: In the early 19th century: the action of protesting or demonstrating by the Blanketeers (see blanketeer, n. 2); support for the Blanketeersblanketing, n., sense 1d: A thick layer or strip of material such as fibreglass, used as thermal or acoustic insulation. Now Irish Englishavailability, n., sense 4: The state or fact of a person being unoccupied; freedom to undertake or do something.availability, n., sense 5: colloquial. You know that feeling of snuggling up on the couch in front of a flickering fire? and n.1: the Greek language of antiquity, from the Mycenaean age (c. 1200 b.c.) History. Check out these 15 words and phrases that perfectly defined 2020. cooperative, n. 2c.cooperationist, n., sense 2: U.S. Now rare.shockable, n. and adj., sense B.3: Of an abnormal heart rhythm, esp. Now chiefly historical.to drive a coach and horses through in coach, n. and adv. vector, n. 3.vectored, adj., Additions a: Of a disease or pathogen: carried and transmitted by a vector. Cf. So, sending a bouquet of roses to the boss you despise? The same goes for slapping a Black Lives Matter sticker on your laptop but never using your words or actions to combat racism. In 2015, the Washington Post reported that the United States is more likely than any other country to lock people up. These 20 photos really define the era of social distancing. Now rare.top-dog status in top dog, n.: the position of dominance or greatest authority and influence in a particular context; cf. of any the states in the Andean region of Venezuela.andon, n.: A system used on a production line to issue a warning or to shut down a process in the event of a manufacturing problem or defect. Now only in historical contexts.top light, n., sense 3b: A glass pane forming part of a window, located above, and typically smaller than, the main part of the window, and (in a casement window) usuallytop light, n., sense 4: Originally Photography. and n.1, sense B.2: slang. Cf. a washing machine): designed to be loaded from the top rather than the front. Engagement in any activity for gain; (in plural) affairs or dealings, esp. Designating a structure, edifice, or (in later use) site of archaeological or historical interest or importance listed by Act of Parliamentshock, n.3, sense II.5b: spec. Cf. Cf plus one more sense, AAE in A, n.: African American English.African American English in African American, n. and adj. Like all good descriptivist dictionaries, Merriam-Webster seeks to catalog how language is being used rather than dictate how it should be used. Cf. Here are 25 that we think made the biggest impact or otherwise captured our attention. Now rare.blouse, n., sense 4a: A shirt or jacket forming part of a military uniform. Finance. The most striking, exceptional, or remarkable (in either a positive or negative sense). Roman Catholicism) in politics and society; a Catholic fundamentalist.catholicist, n. and adj., sense B: Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church or Roman Catholicism; Roman Catholic.catholicness, n., sense 2: The quality of having sympathies with all or being all-embracing; broad-mindedness; = catholicity, n. 3a. and n.1: a person likened to the ancient mariner in Coleridges poem (see note), esp. Now rare.scheduled, adj., Additions: British. and n., sense B: With the and plural agreement. Also: thedamning, adj., sense 3a: That condemns or criticizes something as bad or a failure; censorious, condemnatory.damnose, adj., sense 2: Law. Each of these genres features a different type of protagonist and is so designed to appeal to a particular audience. : As if anorexic; so as to look anorexic; with an extremely thin appearance.apartheider, n.: An advocate or supporter of South African apartheid or (in extended use) any form of segregation, separation, or isolation.barnstorming, n.: The action of barnstorm, v. (in various senses).barnstorming, adj. and adj., sense B.3: Designating a view of something from above. Designating an apartment building that is owned and managed jointly by its residents; of or relating to such a building or its residents. In South Africa: a lawyer who brings cases in the lower courts, as well as preparing cases and briefing advocates in matters brought before theattorney, n., sense 5: In full patent attorney or trademark attorney. : the leading news story at a particular time.top tip in top, n.1 and adj. Now rare.topper, n.1, sense IV.13: A person who or thing which is placed at the top of a list, poll, ranking, etc. co-op, n.3 4.cornet, n.1, sense II.5c: A funnel of paper (or occasionally another material) through which batter, icing, or other food of a similar consistency may be piped, esp. by Nick Norlen, Senior Editor, and Heather Bonikowski, Lexicographer since the Reformation), as distinguished from Roman Catholic immigrants, convertsopen access, n. and adj., sense A.3: Of information published electronically: available to view by the general public without subscription. Pod has long referred to vegetables (pea pods!) Frequently with off (cf. rare.shock-like, adj., sense 1: Resembling (that of) the medical condition shock (shock, n.3 9a).shockproof, adj., sense 3: Of a system, institution, investment, etc. and adj., sense B.2b: Positioned with the top pointing downwards; with the top at the bottom.top-down, adv. Darts. cornetto, n. 1a. and n.3, sense A.2: U.S. We've expanded the dictionary with more than 250 words and definitions. To sew (fabric) using blanket stitch; esp. incoach, v., sense II.7b: transitive. silk, n. adj.3b.blouse, v., sense 1: transitive (chiefly in passive). Cf. and n., Additions: Of a persons accent: strong, broad, marked (hence sometimes with implication of being difficult to understand). a mixture of carbonate of lead and basic carbonate of lead, esp. Obsolete.ground zero, n., sense 1b: A site of devastation, disaster, or violent attack.ground zero, n., sense 1c: Now chiefly with capital initials.

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high authority guest post