revitalization: collective action for the ocean

Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist, believes that we all have a blue mind. He described this phenomenon as a mild meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment, which is triggered when were in or near water. World Ocean Day has since been celebrated by many countries around the world, and was then officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. World Oceans Dayreminds every one of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. The current know-how allows this non-conventional resource to be considered a real, viable and safe alternative to supply issues. The day's programming will call attention to the communities, ideas, and solutions that are working to . In line with the 2022 theme for World Oceans Day, "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean," scientists and conservationists are . All hands are required on deck for revitalization- collective action for the ocean. Share. The day-of-celebration featured 30 thought-leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, community voices, entrepreneurs, and cross-industry experts as they delved into key topics and worked to inspire and ignite collaborative change. As the past years have shown us, we need to work together to create a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life. Panel Discussion In 2022, Mundus maris would like to support group activities for the World Ocean Day. The proposal was inspired by an event that took place that day, OCEANS DAY AT GLOBAL FORUM THE BLUE PLANET. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all but its health is at a tipping point. Take action to save our ocean! sustained observations to help improve our understanding,management and sustainable development of the ocean, and the need to enhance access for observing networks. Topics will include ocean fiance, innovation through startups and entrepreneurs, capacity building and private sector collaboration. Collective Business Action for the Ocean. Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. Oceans, seas and marine resources are increasingly threatened, degraded and destroyed by unsustainable practices, reducing their capacity to provide essential ecosystem services. All of this against the backdrop of a technological paradigm that is having a very positive impact on integrated water cycle management. The UNWOD 2022 theme of "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean" encourages collaboration towards a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty, but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life. In this Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) proclaimed by the UN, we must not only mobilize the scientific community, but also politicians, companies and civil society to support research and technological innovation to help reverse the serious situation of the oceans. This year, World Oceans Day took the theme of Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. The reporting must allow digital coverage at least through text and pictures. According to the UN, the oceans absorb about 30% of the carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming. Oceans connect, sustain, and support us all. Cari Bois is a national community that brings together communities, activists, academics, scientists and journalists, to tell their own stories around the environmental impact of the extractive sector in Trinidad and Tobago, and wider irresponsible development. As the world celebrates Worlds Ocean Day on June 8, 2022, let us all reflect on the crucial role the ocean plays in our everyday life. Keynote by Ralph Chami, Assistant Director, The International Monetary Fund; Co-Founder, Rebalance Earth This article was contributed by Dr. Rahanna Juman, Director (Ag.) var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Produced by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs with the contribution of non-profit organization Oceanic Global, and made possible by La Mer, United Nations World Oceans Day 2022 (UNWOD) will feature keynote speeches, panels, presentations, and performances kicked off by the Secretary-General and the President of the General Assembly. The event will be hosted in-person at the. There are plenty of events that you can take part in throughout the year to support this cause. One of the targets in the 2030 Agenda is to improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater. Do not miss it! Together, we will make a difference! According to conservative estimates by the OECD (2016), the ocean economy generated $US1.5 trillion in 2010 and has the potential to outperform the growth rate of the global economy both in terms of generated value and employment. The need for increasing and streamlining observations of ocean CO2 concentrations and fluxes as a key component of understanding and measuring the global carbon cycle to inform global efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions. 2403 to book a visit. The ocean was once thought to be a vast and indefinitely resilient compartment of the Earth system, able to absorb practically all pressures of the human population, from resource exploitation to fisheries and aquaculture development to marine transport. The ocean is also a key driver in natural climate variability. By Rahanna Juman, Director (Ag.) When it's the time to give back, the ocean also deserves a collective effort from all facets of society. Collective Action for the Ocean. Our current challenge is to understand the numerous impacts on the ocean and ensure a more holistic, integrated policy and ecosystem-based management across sectors. This threatens ecosystems, food security, livelihoods and coastal safety. Hopefully, this will inspire action to protect the ocean and sustainably use marine resources. As a result, the ocean is growing warmer and more acidic, polar ice is melting and global weather patterns are changing. The focus on collective action for ocean revitalization is timely and highly relevant. The panel highlighted ever-increasing and threatening Plastic Pollution in our Ocean and ecosystem at large. Mathew White, an environmental psychologist who studied how living near the coast affects us, found that being closer to the sea significantly improved peoples well-being. Made Possible by La Mer, This years United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, brought together 30 global thought-leaders to highlight the annual theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. NO BLUE. 29 May 2023 07:50:12 The programming deepened our understanding of the ocean, explored our connection to it, and discussed the need for building a new balance with the ocean that is inclusive, innovative and informed by those who depend on it as well as by lessons from the past. The United Nations has declared 8 June World Oceans Day: a day for humanity to celebrate the ocean and focus on collective actions to protect and restore them. Spotlights on global collective ocean actions and initiatives from conservation, restoration, scientific exploration, community organizing, coalition building, governance approaches, and beyond, aimed at revitalizing the ocean. World Oceans Day comes on the eve of the second United Nations Ocean Conference at the end of June. All of these solutions will require a clear understanding of how to remove the barriers to large-scale human behavioural change: if such barriers are not overcome, then the solutions developed through improved ocean science will be of limited impact (UNESCO, 2021). The UNWOD 2022 theme of Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean encourages collaboration towards a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty, but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life. This is the first hybrid celebration of. Learn about the 7 Principles of Ocean Literacy, and the steps you can take in your life to help preserve our Oceans. As the American marine biologist Sylvia Earle says: "NO WATER. High-level speakers will open UN World Oceans Day with remarks on the 2022 theme "Revitalization: Collective Action for Our Ocean. However, fossil fuels burning and the resulting increase in the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere alters the chemical composition of water in the oceans; more carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean, leading to its acidification. United Nations World Oceans Day was made possible by the generous contribution of Oceanic Global. Ocean ecosystems are suffering. Target 14 (a) of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below Water, is to increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, but national investment in ocean science around the world remains low, with an average of 1% of national research budgets attributed to ocean science between 2013 and 2017 (IOC-UNESCO, 2017). Its aim would be celebrating our worlds ocean and our personal connection to the sea, as well as raising awareness on the essential role it plays in our lives and the overall health of the environment. The theme of the 2022 United Nations World Oceans Day is therefore Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. On the other hand, according to UN data, more than 80% of the wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or the sea without any treatment, causing water pollution. Everything you need to know about World Oceans Day in SWM. Mr. Joo Gomes Cravinho, the International Monetary Funds Ralph Chami and Senior Vice President of La Mer, Lesley Crowther. In this article youll find out about the date, the themes of this years celebration, the activities that will take place both online and in real life, and some interesting facts and figures about World Ocean Day. Enter your email to get our latest updates, Generous Contribution of Oceanic Global Discover stories, resources, and videos to learn more about our shared blue planet. The day-of celebration featured thought-leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, community voices, entrepreneurs, and cross-industry experts as they delved into key topics and worked to inspire and ignite collaborative change. We must act together now to find transformative solutions to the existing and future challenges that face the ocean and thus humankind. Get involved and share your passion with your friends, family and community. As we mentioned above, World Ocean Day was first proposed in 1992 during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, at the urging of Canadian. United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs. This year's United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, highlighted the theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean.. Highlighting our human impact on the ocean, how ocean life and livelihoods are affected by issues from climate change to biodiversity loss, and the need to take action. This year's theme is Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. High-level speakers will open UN World Oceans Day with remarks on the 2022 theme "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean". The growing impacts of climate change are making ocean observations, research and services more critical than ever before. World Oceans Day, Thursday 8 June: "Revitalization, collective action for our ocean" . Oceans, seas and marine resources are increasingly threatened, degraded and destroyed by unsustainable practices. As part of World Oceans Day celebrations this year's theme being "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. This alarming reality calls for immediate collective action. However, according to the First World Ocean Assessment, our civilization is running out of time to avoid the detrimental cycle of decline in ocean health that will have dramatic repercussions on the ability of the ocean to keep providing the support we need. In relation to the Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, NRF-SAIAB produced this short video to showcase Life below the ocean observing the life that we barely see beyond 200 meters, with the hopes that we will get people to appreciate the ocean and everything that exists within it. 1. The days programming will be closed with a musical performance by singer-songwriter Margaret Glaspy and guitarist Julian Lage. Here is a list of events from the World Ocean Day website. Collective actions are necessary to protect the oceans. UN World Oceans Day 2022 was Hosted by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, with the generouse contribution of Oceanic Global, which was made possible by La Mer. This year's UN World Oceans Day theme is "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean," and people around the world will celebrate it on June 8. Doing so is urgent, as national ocean economies are rapidly expanding. Featuring an original score by Michael Leonhart. Another point to keep in mind that is not related to climate change, but to our activities, is ocean pollution. addyd13350c25ba11eb905f57646d0095283 = addyd13350c25ba11eb905f57646d0095283 + 'mundusmaris' + '.' + 'org'; WMO is seeking to ensure universal access to early warnings within the next five years, and to bolster seasonal forecasts to inform decision-making. Remarks from La Mer, on their work to revitalize ocean action. This is the first hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live. Our oceans span more than 70% of the planet and are home to 80% of the world's biodiversity. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. It is where we work, we harvest food, we pray and we play. Revitalization: Collective Action for Ocean. It could potentially reach an output of US$3 trillion in 2030 and this development could include contributions from new or less developed services, for example, minerals and marine genetic resources (OECD, 2016). to scale up action to assist vulnerable coastal countries (especially SIDS), effective end-to-end coastal inundation warning systems, weather and climate services to support marine safety and efficiency, enhanced polar research, observations and services. The UNWOD 2022 theme of "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean" encourages collaboration towards a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty, but instead restores. More than 80% of the wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or the sea without any treatment. The water is also, what we call a. The event will also be open to the public by live stream from 10am -13:30pm (EDT) on the United Nations World Oceans Day website ( with the content reshared on the social channels @unworldoceansday. var addyd13350c25ba11eb905f57646d0095283 = 'ce.nauen' + '@'; Institute of Marine Affairs, Life Along the Seashore of Trinidad and Tobago, World Oceans Day 2022 Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean, A view from the hill: The impacts of sedimentation on the coastal environment. Not to mention that they are key to our economy, since, according to the UN, it is estimated that by 2030 there will be around 40 million people employed by ocean-based industries. The theme of the 2022 United Nations World Oceans Day is therefore Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. Mathew White, an environmental psychologist who studied how living near the coast affects us, found that being closer to the sea significantly improved peoples well-being. The ocean traps more than 90 percent of excess heat from human activities. All of these solutions will require a clear understanding of how to remove the barriers to large-scale human behavioural change: if such barriers are not overcome, then the solutions developed through improved ocean science will be of limited impact (UNESCO, 2021). Work under the Convention on Biological Diversity to develop a new framework can revitalize, protect and restore the ocean's health. The ocean system is changing at an accelerated pace. As part of the important role that the water sector has in the conservation and proper management of water resources, and taking into account that two of its greatest challenges are the low value that citizens place on water and the lack of political will of some governments, it must continue to work on improving wastewater treatment, both domestic and industrial wastewater, and on improving all industrial processes to make them as efficient and sustainable as possible. Covering some 70% of the Earths surface, the ocean, United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) celebration, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told at One Ocean Summit hosted by France earlier this year, WMO State of the Global Climate 2021 report. World Meteorological Organization (WMO). A pre-requisite for this is improved and facilitated observations and data exchange covering the oceans in areas both under and beyond national jurisdiction. 2403 to book a visit. The theme of this year's United Nations World Oceans Day on 8 June 2022 is 'Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean'. Sustainable Development Goals: We work in support of the SDGs, World Ocean Day 2022: Revitalization. Yet its health is at a tipping point and so is the well-being of all that depends on it. UN World Oceans Day 2022. If you are interested in collaboration, including some financial support (up to 400 euros), please send us your proposal explaining: proposed objective(s) and expected results (200-250 words), place and time (specify, including if part is planned online), coordinator/key contact and the group concerned (specify). In addition, the melting of glaciers as a result of this increase in temperature also causes the sea level to rise. The Marketing Toolkit is available here, including the official trailer (watch here). NO LIFE. This threatens ecosystems, food security, livelihoods and coastal safety. UNWOD 2022 will open with remarks by the United Nations Secretary-General, followed by messages from the President of the General Assembly. Introduction. It is where we work, we harvest food, we pray and we play. So, there is a need to revitalize the ocean, protect the environment of oceans, and conserve the species of oceans. Rodrigo A. Carazo, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the . The economic and social value of the ocean to individual communities and societies is incalculable. This is the first hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live. As the world celebrates Worlds Ocean Day on June 8, 2022, let us all reflect on the crucial role the ocean plays in our everyday life. This year's United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, will highlight the themeRevitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. All hands are required on deck for revitalization- collective action for the ocean. Hopefully, this will inspire action to protect the ocean and sustainably use marine resources. The ocean was once thought to be a vast and indefinitely resilient compartment of the Earth system, able to absorb practically all pressures of the human population, from resource exploitation to fisheries and aquaculture development to marine transport. The focus on collective action for ocean revitalization is timely and highly relevant. More than 3billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. Immersed in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), whose main objective is to scale up ocean action based on science and innovation to achieve SDG 14, Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, June 8 marks World Oceans Day. In fact, the UNESCO report published in April 2021, shows that, without adequate protection of the oceans, their crucial role in climate control could be diminished in the future. The focus of this event will be safeguarding our ocean, its ecosystems and biodiversity and building climate change resiliency. This years event is the first hybrid celebration in the history of World Ocean Day. This is why the sector must also work to reduce the environmental impact of its activity, replacing the use of fossil fuels with renewable energies and reducing the impact of the brine produced in the process, which pollutes coastal ecosystems. The ocean covers more than 70% of Earths surface, and being the largest ecosystem on our planet, it functions as a life support system for all its inhabitants. RT @Oceancauseke: Protecting our oceans is vital. The health of the oceans is currently at a tipping point, as is the well-being of all that depend on them. Rainfall, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food and even the oxygen in the air we breathe are provided and regulated by the sea. 2023 Caribois Environmental News Network. Check out our website IMA Institute of Marine Affairs and our Facebook page for information on oceans. A celebratory concert will be held at the end of World Ocean Day, featuring world-renowned artists. The UN's trusted voice on weather, climate, and water. The Economist Groups World Ocean Initiative. All the footage was captured using SAIABs underwater video systems, the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the Baited Remote Underwater Video systems (BRUVs). June 8 marks World Oceans Day, whose theme this year is "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean." The concept of a World Oceans Day was first proposed in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro as a way to celebrate our world's shared ocean and our connection to the sea, as well as to raise awareness about the crucial . hen justified and needed, the financial support will be given in advance. For this, we welcome the collaboration with well formulated projects (EN-FR-ES-DE-IT) focused on the UN motto. This holiday is an international celebration spearheaded by the UN to bring awareness to the importance of our oceans and the threats they face. On the other hand, these same greenhouse gases not only increase the global temperature of the planet, but also that of the oceans, which, together with changes in wind patterns, lead to changes in ocean currents. Keynote by Ralph Chami, Assistant Director, The International Monetary Fund; Co-Founder, Rebalance Earth". United Nations World Oceans Day 2022 hosted by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, with the generous contribution of Oceanic Global, which is made possible by La Mer shed light on the communities, ideas, and solutions that are working together to protect and revitalize the ocean and everything it sustains. World Ocean Day will take place on June 8th, 2022. These can be on-site, online or hybrid. Connect with the world's greatest scientific minds, and read articles to inspire you to take action in your daily life. World Oceans Day: Revitalization and Collective Action, Welcome to the World Meteorological Organization, Find out about employment opportunities at the WMO, WMO Awards recognize outstanding contributions, 2023 Thus, concurrent La Nia and negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) conditions markedly increase the odds for below-normal rainfall in East Africa, which has suffered four consecutive failed rainy seasons and faces looming starvation. Learn more here. RT @UNESCO: By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. However, according to the First World Ocean Assessment, our civilization is running out of time to avoid the detrimental cycle of decline in ocean health that will have dramatic repercussions on the ability of the ocean to keep providing the support we need. This year's United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, brought together 30 global thought-leaders to highlight the annual theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean.This was the first-ever hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live to over 86,000 viewers from 143 member states

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revitalization: collective action for the ocean