moses as a spiritual leader

King Balak persuaded him to do something against the will of God, and the Lord rebuked Balaam for his arrogance. 4. 4. You must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which can not profit or deliver, because they are futile. Another account is in Acts 7:17-42, part of the speech made by Stephen. 18:14-26). Moses' meek disposition was also evident in Exodus when he was literally wearing himself out trying to help everyone solve their problems. Style. After the death of Joseph, the new Egyptian Pharaoh made the Israelites their slaves. It allows us to see the sinfulness of our hearts so God can change us. The biblical pages record many examples of botched succession; there are fewer examples where succession worked. Poem Text. In this 9-week study, I've chosen to study large parts of Exodus and Numbers in terms of Moses the follower of Yahweh and leader on His behalf, rather than as a history of the people of Israel. He had led himself into a corner. Themes. At the time Moses was born, the Pharaoh of Egypt decreed that all Israelite male babies be killed. 1 He had two older siblings, Aaron and Miriam. doubting Moses? 8:2-6 ). Sinai, where the Ten Commandments were promulgated, he founded the religious community known as Israel. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. God spoke with "Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend" (Exod. His name means "drawn out", signifying how Moses will later "draw out" God's people from the land of Egypt. _____ This instance is especially noteworthy since Moses was the man who provided the laws on intermarriage! He worked with this community for nearly two years . In Luke 9:30 Moses represents the law, and Elijah the effect of the law; the association of the two means cause and effect. The biography of Moses sheds a light on the formative experiences of an ethical leader and his actions demonstrate how such a leader can act under challenging circumstances. However, by God's providence baby Moses escaped death and was brought up in the Pharaoh's palace. This is a quick overview of who Moses was: A quick overview of Moses' life: Paulo Coelho. He led the sheep out to the desert to Mount Horeb . But my question is: Are these qualities necessary in "spiritual" leaders too? You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out". Verses 18-31 Moses leaves Mount Horeb, returns to his father . Just as He provided leadership to assist Moses, He provides direction to the Church today through gifted men whom He has placed in positions of leadership (Eph. He tells Moses that He will send Aaron, who He knows speaks fluently, to be Moses' mouthpiece. MSc in Medical Bio-Cybernetics. You are needlessly wearing yourself out when you refuse to delegate tasks. Author of over 40 books on . God chose Moses and appointed him to confront Pharaoh and to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Just as Moses had his staff as a reminder of God's power and presence, you have the Holy Spirit living within you to lead. Abstract The authors show how the concept of servant leadership can be enhanced by combining it with spiritual leadership. To avoid spiritual compromise, God's people need strong leaders who will exercise necessary spiritual discipline. To overcome Moses' fear, God recruited his brother Aaron to assist, promising to help them both. 30-31). Time to Read: 38 min - 6943 words. Jesus' rebuff of the ambition of James and John is telling (p. 22). It is our privilege this morning to look at one of the most fascinating, provocative, stirring portions of Matthew's gospel as we embark upon this twenty-third chapter. 1 Samuel 12:20-24. Matthew chapter 23. " And so he did what any good father-in-law would do. A boss has authority and power based on his or her position. . Let's open our Bibles together to Matthew chapter 23. Moses was usually the front-line person when it came to the . Hence, Moses' meekness wasn't a character of timidity or letting other people run over him. Developing a heart discipline to obedience like Christ makes one particularly effective as spiritual leader under God's own leadership in their life (loc 912). He liked to be in the thick of it and to lead from the front. Moses, arguably the greatest of Biblical leaders, is praised as being a "servant of God . 3. After God's Own Heart Bible Studies. For Further Reading "Go Down, Moses" is an African-American spiritual, a type of lyric that is also referred to as a Negro folk song.As a folk song, it is thought of as having been created by a community rather than an individual, in this case the community of . To choose to identify with others is the first essential quality of leadership. In Mark 7:10 Moses represents the phase of consciousness that is concerned with the moral law. THE LEADERSHIP STYLE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MOSES 1. The. Our Heavenly Father never fails us. But Jethro saw something different in Moses. Joshua was a Supporter of Moses leadership, refusing to bow under the pressure of his peers to abort the vision of taking the Promised Land. In September of 1999, Dr. Moses joined a select group of distinguished civic and spiritual leaders for dialogues with the Dalai Lama in the "Synthesis Project" at His Holiness' residence in Dharmasala, India. No doubt Moses seriously questioned his success as a leader. He liked to be in the thick of it and to lead from the front. He stood for what was right, even in the face of great opposition, and even death, when the last title attributed to him was that of servant, "So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab" (Deut. The Lord Himself buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5-6), and Joshua took over as leader of the people (Deuteronomy 34:9). The transition from Moses' to Joshua's leadership constitutes one of the greatest examples of succession in the Bible. The good leader is first of all concerned to know, to understand and to do the will of God, rather than to conform to the opinions of the people. 33:11 . Moses was a courageous leader. SECRETS OF A LEADER. Refer to Joshua 3 - 8. Criticism. Ezra felt devastated (Ezra 9:3-4) and Nehemiah . The easy readability of his books has allowed a much broader audience to hear his spiritual messages and incorporate them into their own lives. 31:9 (leadership principle #12), Moses always had God as in charge. You can find his story in Numbers chapters 22 to 24. -A Levite and son of Amram (Ex. Moses. Leadership in that sense is relative. A great insight is the Scripture's infrequent use of the term "leader(s)" to describe spiritual leaders such as Moses, and its frequent use of the term "servant" (p. 21) with regard to same. Spiritual leadership is of the Holy Spirit and the human leader is a vessel. Moses went out to his brethren. The Bible sketches an ambitious list of leadership traits ascribed to Moses, including humility, empathy and heroism, but also patience, self-reflection, charisma and wisdom, among others. spiritual leadership includes "the recognition that employees have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of community" (Ashmos & Duncan, 2000, p. 137). 25-26). Moses was a hands-on leader. Indeed, it would cost him to go back, and no one would know the difference if he didn't identify with them. J. Oswald Sanders (1917-1992) was a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and authored more than forty books on the Christian life, including The Incomparable Christ, Spiritual Discipleship, Spiritual Leadership, and Spiritual Maturity.He left a promising law practice in his native New Zealand to serve as an instructor and administrator at the Bible College of New Zealand. Good leaders agonize deeply over spiritual failure. To emulate this quality, look at how you can turn your daily duty . Now let's focus on how spiritual leaders in the Body of Christ should . He provides that which is necessary for our lives. Moses chose able men from Israel assigning them the job of judging the people (vv. As such, his primary representation is as what . Numbers 14 is the reference for the forty years of . He identified with his people. Or the uncultured, negative, ill-prepared, unwanted, dogmatic, clumsy fig-picker . Right now, God is speaking to you, prophetically concerning our future. Historical Context. He was born a Hebrew slave, adopted by an Egyptian princess, raised as a prince of Egypt, exiled at age 40 after killing an Egyptian who beat a Hebrew slave. Jethro counseled Moses to use the people to help him with his judging tasks (v. 19). The Prophet Moses. Prince Moses was to become the leader and prophet of a disenfranchised, disgruntled people: the enslaved nation of Israel. Moses told God, "Please send someone else"(Exodus 4:13). Whether it was from when Moses was first called by God in Exodus 3:1-3 (leadership principle #2) or Moses taking steps to ensure the people were obedient to God's teaching in Deut. You may be a church member and disciple. Sincerity builds trust. Moses had every opportunity to exhibit pride. Many are stubborn, rude and disobedient to authority. ( II Corinthians 1:12; 2:17) A leader who hides or covers up will eventually lose his credibility. Many are just in church to cause confusion. Born into a family of Hebrew slaves, he was . Second, Moses' transformation into a leader by God's power is a reminder that spiritual leaders must rely on God and not on themselves. It is a picture that is worth a thousand words. The following 7 lessons can be deduced from Moses leadership. Moses recites God's words back to him. 2:1-4; 6:20; Ac 7:20; Heb 11:23) In the Covenant ceremony at Mt. Like Moses, the good leader spends time on the mountain-top holding communion with God. Considered a prophet by all Abrahamic religions, he has a special place in Judaism, where he is referred as Moshe Rabbenu or 'Moses our Teacher'. Although few can emulate all of these traits, humility is one that stands out. ; As a young man, Moses killed a cruel . Numbers 13:30-14:10 Spiritual Wilderness can be a place of discipline. Swedenborg only offers glimpses of that meaning, however. Forgiveness. Take some time to journal and write down your thoughts concerning this week's lesson. "What you are doing is not good. Many allow the spirit of rebellion to take over them. Israel was not a democracy and Moses was not the leader who won the election! His spiritual books have sold over 150 million copies in over 150 countries. Intercession on the Front Lines. As an Israelite, he felt empathy for the Israelites because of the heavy burdens forced on them. Many believers are not leadable. In 2004, Dr. Moses was the co-founder of New Thought Ministries of Oregon. Service: The model of leadership Jesus wants is that of genuine service. The first duty of the spiritual leader is to see that those who follow him are properly taught in the Word of God. (Read Exodus 3:10-4:14.) Perhaps the story from Moses' life that most fully captures the significance of intercessory prayer as one of the basic functions of spiritual leadership is the battle with Amalek in Exodus 17. When it comes to divine assignment of great magnitude who ever will lead should be called. The king is highly honored. As "payments" cease to be made, so does genuine spiritual leadership. John 9:28 confirms that a disciple is he who adheres to the teachings or doctrines of a teacher, a prophet, a mentor, or a leader, who may be dead or alive. Protecting our loved ones is what men are called to do (Genesis 2:15) and this certainly involves spiritual protection. Moses cared so deeply for these sinning people that he was willing to be blotted out of God's book if that's what it took for them to be restored. This article will be too brief to capture all the characteristics of leadership. What some would call micro-management he called his daily task list. 1. It started when he was tending to his father-in-law's sheep in Midian. Moses's role, then, was to establish those forms of worship and to make the people obedient. Miriam was a prophetess (Exodus 15:20), and she was rebuked by God for her attitude toward Moses (Numbers 12:1-15). God will cause some of Moses' spiritual energy to devolve upon them, enabling the prophet to share the responsibility of leadership [Num. Poem Summary. Well, with the help of the Lord, of course. A leader, on the other hand, may have authority based on position; however, he/she does not . God didn't want to send someone else and got angry with Moses. First, it is essential to differentiate between being a leader and being a boss. " And so he did what any good father-in-law would do. 11 In spite of this, he never complained or even gave thought to how it could affect him personally. Eventually Moses turned out to be a great leader. Would be spiritual leaders ought to model themselves after Christ and allow God to work out His divine timetable. 4:11-14). He saw a leader whose potential was being throttled by " the tyranny of the urgent. Walk in the power of the Spirit, not in the strength of your flesh. In Hebrews 13:17, Paul said that the work of spiritual leaders is to watch over our souls. He saw a leader whose potential was being throttled by " the tyranny of the urgent. Go Down, Moses. Let Him prepare you for the task (s) He has called you to do for His glory. examine spiritual and servant leadership, this paper draws on the Hebrew Bible, specifically the Five Books of Moses (the Torah), and the leadership of Moses an early paradigm of both approaches to leadership. The main purpose of this teaching is to observe the qualities of Moses as a leader. He faithfully led in the face of mutiny and plagues. Korah was a false leader of . . Reflections On Spiritual Leadership. What is important to see is that in response to each excuse, God provided Moses what he needed. Moses. Joshua 4: 23 (NIV) Joshua is a man of God, one of the faithful spies, the protg of Moses, and the leader of Israel who would take them into Promised Land. Moses Was Born in Egypt. Learn from them and move forward under God's leading. Some prominent Pharisees and disciples of Moses during the days of Jesus and His disciples were: Nicodemus (John 3:1), Simon (Luke 7:36-50), Gamaliel (Acts 5:34, Acts 22:3). Spiritual leadership is bought on a "time-payment plan" of giving your life in daily instalments. "It's no coincidence that great spiritual leaders follow in the footsteps of great spiritual leaders . Before you answer too quickly, I would refer you to some biblical leaders who would've done rather poorly on a "natural" leadership test. . ; A brief account of the story of Moses is provided in Exodus 2. Moses is among the most prominent biblical figures in both the New and Old Testament. Because our prayer is focused on the hidden, spiritual world of our loved one's temptations, we often can't see what effect we are having. It's the painful path of learning the errors of our ways while seeing the beauty of walking in God's ways. The answer to this question teaches some important lessons about spiritual leadership. At the inmost level, this story - like all of the Bible - is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. He grew up to be one of the spiritual giants of the Bible. Exodus 3: 1 Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. Moses was a prophet "whom the Lord knew face to face" (Deuteronomy 34:10), yet God reproved Moses for his wrong thinking and actions (Numbers 20:12). 34:5). A. Moses was the sole spiritual leader over Israel and their mediator to God. God answered Moses according to the statement of character Moses had claimed before him. Critical Evaluation Reggie McNeal wrote A Work of Heart for leaders. There is no doubt Moses was a reluctant leader. (Hebrew Religious Leader, Prophet) Moses, famed as the 'Law Giver of Israel', was born towards the end of fourteenth century BCE in Egypt. The Characteristics of False Spiritual Leaders, Part 1. Anonymous 1800. And yet at the same time, he was the righteously angry avenger of the sinners. You have given him blessings that will last forever, and you have made him glad by being so near to him. According to rabbinic tradition, he was immensely handsome 2 and powerful, 3 and his countenance was like that of an angel. 3. But Jethro saw something different in Moses. He already knew what He was going to do to help them. 2 Comments. The Moses model could be considered a pastor-rule or elder-rule style of church polity, but it is definitely not congregational rule. Dr. Richard Blackaby is the president of Blackaby Ministries International and has written or co-authored with his father 23 books, including Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's agenda and Experiencing God. Deuteronomy 34:10-12 says, " Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egyptto Pharaoh and to all his officials . Matthew 23:2-3. "Who am I, that I should go?" In fact, a true servant leader should also be a spiritual leader. LITERATURE REVIEW Due to the gap in published data related to . The Book of Numbers stresses that "Moses was a very humble man, more so than . THE PROCESS OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (J. Robert Clinton, The Making of a Leader, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1988) . God's character had been spoken to Moses when the glory of God came before him in the cleft of the rock: He both loves and forgives sin and rebellion (Exodus 34:5-7). His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi. 5) Moses hands grew weary. . Moses as deliverer and leader Moses' life changed dramatically when he tried to protect his own captive people. Leadership Lesson 2: Moses Was Dependent Upon the Help of Three Godly Men By all worldly standards, Moses was the man. God's servant, Moses, was called by God to lead His people, about 2 million of them, out of bondage and out of Egypt (Exodus 3:1-22). You have let him win victories that have made him famous. A boss tells people what they are supposed to do and people do it because there are consequences for disobeying. As the interpreter of these Covenant stipulations, he was . At the same time, God will send quails to . God Calls Moses "My Servant," Not "My Leader" (The Word "Leader" is Only Used . 1. 2. Usually we are the lid to our own leadership "The next day Moses sat to judge the people and the people stood around Moses from morning till evening." Exodus 18:13 Moses was his own worst enemy, and the worst part is he didn't even see it. Throughout the life of Moses God was always in charge and always provided direction for what Moses did and how Moses led. Critical Overview. MOSES AS THE PARADIGMATIC SERVANT LEADER . 6. Founder and president of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute. We will look at the experiences of Joshua and Moses; there are some interesting comparisons and contrast. Turning point is usually conversion. Moses' excuses in response to God's call at the burning bush are well-known. It is the habit of a good leader to know when to ask for help. Ask for help. Roles Spiritual Leader. Leadership is a call (Exodus 3) We understand that at whatever capacity, we lead, we could be right to say that everyone is a leader. Keep reading. Moses, Hebrew Moshe, (flourished 14th-13th century bce), Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in the 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc), delivered his people from Egyptian slavery. . Now God gets angry with Moses. He had confronted the most powerful man in the world and won! Aaron will do the talking (saying what Moses teaches him to say) and Moses will do the signs. The Moses model or Moses principle (sometimes called the "Moses-Aaron" leadership style) is a church leadership structure based on the example of Moses' leadership in the Old Testament. When he finally reached the Promised Land, his team of spies failed at their purpose. Moses married Zipporah, a Midianite (Exo 2:16-21). However, it will endeavor to glean a few practical points from the life of Moses to encourage men onward in their personal lives and as they lead their families. Every decision had to go through him. This serves a purpose in disciplining the thoughts, but is only a preparation for the advent of the spiritual law. We will soon notice that men have a hero in Moses. My focus will be on what we can learn from Moses as a man of faith and as a reluctant leader of God's people. 2. Sources. Samuel said to the people, "Do not fear. Need a name to give to Israel? There is a reason why we have spiritual leaders. God has equipped every believer with spiritual gifts, and He uses them, along with your personality and experiences, to shape you into the leader He specifically wants you to be. Even when the case is not pleasant, openness is a revelation of strong character. Lord Most High, the king trusts you, and your kindness . Moses was afraid and gave excuse after excuse, one being that he stuttered. by Elizabeth George January 19, 2021. Spiritual leadership in the way of Christ is very different and dramatically more impactful than cultural leadership in the way of our world and people's natural abilities. Moses is the single most famous leader in the Old Testament and is respected by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. Michael Laitman is a PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. What some would call micro-management he called his daily task list. He asked to live a long time, and you promised him life that never ends. Moses was thoroughly convinced this leadership: decision was correct. Wait for His timing. Moses was a leader who had a mentor . God's discipline is not to hurt us or punish us but to teach us and train us ( Deut. 11:16-17]. Moses's servant-hearted leadership was exactly what the people of Israel needed to guide them through times of physical and spiritual hardship. . Leadership should not be sought for personal gain, but rather for service . Harry Morgan Moses Spiritual Director, Author, Speaker, Thought Leader Topanga, California, United States 500+ connections Moses's servant nature did not make him weak. By Richard Blackaby March 1st, 2013. Intercessory prayer is hard, discouraging work. Moses asks God just to send the message by anyone God chooses. Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. He chose control over growth. 2 And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He didn't have to, he'd made it out of the ghetto, he didn't have to go back. Moses, a transformational leader, made changes in his leadership by relying on Jethro, his father-in-law, who served as a mentor to him (Ex. The Alchemist is one of the top selling books ever! correlate with the spiritual gift-mix that God gives" (pp. Moses was a hands-on leader. . Sent back into the wilderness to wander, Moses, in the sunset years of his life, faithfully led the masses nowhere in particular. In addition, you are teaching your children to do the same. Inadequacies: We read of Moses' inadequacies in Exodus 3.

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moses as a spiritual leader