Botanical Name: asparagus racemosus: Other Necessities: Well Watered, Full Sun Exposure, Slow Growth, Fast Growth: Family: asparagaceae: Soil specific: Any: Color: green: Organic: Translating to "hundred husbands", shatavari root has been used as a tonic for the female system in Ayurvedic practices for centuries. The root is the primary medicinal part of the plant. A prickly prsotrate undershrub growing wild as well as cultivated in warmer regions of the country. It is Sattvic in nature and aids in love and devotion. Here are some of the science-backed health benefits of shatavari plant that you should know of: Champion of women health: Shatavari is best known for its benefits for women. Shatavari is also referred to as Indian asparagus, is a woody climbing plant that typically grows in shady areas of tropical regions including India, Asia, Africa and southern most China. Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosus Extraction: 1:5 Dried Root Alcohol Percent: 50% - 60%. This plant grows all over India in tropical areas and is found in Himalaya's up to an altitude of 1300-1400 meters. The taxonomical classification and vernacular names of Asparagus racemosus is shown in table no.1 and table no. It is said to enhance fertility by nourishing the womb and getting the female organs ready for pregnancy. The Shatavari plant is very adaptable as it can grow in a variety of climates in South Asia. . Join Now. The name and properties of small Shatavar are Shatavari, Bahusuta, Bheeru, Indeevari, Vari, Narayani, Shatapadi, Satavirya and Peevari. Botanical Name: Asparagus Racemosus - Willd. BOTANICAL INFO. The Shatavari is a small shrub plant is . Racemosus is derived from the Latin word "racemus" which means cluster or bunch, as it bears clusters of roots. Common Name : shatavari powder Botanical Name Asparagus Racemosus Common Name shatavari powder Category Botanical Powders Product Description shatavari powder is a potent herb helpful in lactation (useful to increase more. It is considered an adaptogen, helping the body to come back into balance, and mitigating the effects of stress. Shatavari :- Scientific name: Asparagus racemosus. The botanical name of ' Shatavari ' is 'Asparagus Racemosus'. Available in Organic and Conventional Varieties Note: Seasonal Color variation are normal in herbal products . The plant is a thorny perennial with striated leaves and is a climber that can grow up to 2m in height with extensive branching. The botanical name of shatavari is 'Asparagus racemosus'. Shatavari. Fleshy tuberous roots of the plant are used in the preparations of traditional health care products. Supports endocrine system which helps to balance hormones. Its name, which translates as "100 spouses," speaks to its role in promoting vitality and energy. It has an aphrodisiac and cooling effect. Also find here related product comparison | ID: 7816052748 . Asparagus racemosus (satawar, shatavari or shatamull) is a species of asparagus common throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas. This species of asparagus is very commonly found . This herb is known to enhance Sattva (the healing power) inside the body. The shatavari is known by many common names including: racemose asparagus, lace fern, plumosa fern, sprengeri fern, emerald fern, emerald feather and asparagus. [citation needed] and northern Australia.It grows 1-2 m (3 ft 3 in - 6 ft 7 in) tall and prefers to take root in gravelly, rocky soils high up in piedmont plains, at 1,300-1,400 m (4,300-4,600 ft) elevation. Since ancient times, the herb was highly recommended by herbalists for improving vitality and today has gained popularity in alternative medicine market as a widely used health tonic. 32 oz. Sometimes spelled "shatawari," its name is translated as "having one hundred roots" and also referred to as meaning "having one hundred husbands." 1, 2 Uses: The healing qualities of Shatavari are useful to a wide array of ailments. SHATAVARI is a cooling, calming, nourishing and purifying herb which has a special affinity with women though it is also excellent for men. It thrives where there is plenty of sunlight, but it can also survive in shaded areas. Some people know it as satavari while others call it satavar. Species. Plant properties. It is pronounced shot-uh-var-ee, a word meaning "she who possesses . . Meaning of name: The name Shatavari translates to "the plant that has 100 roots below the ground" or "The 100 Rooted One" History and Folk Lore: In India, it is said that a woman taking Shatavari has the beauty and strength to acquire 100 husbands Since it is a species of the asparagus plant family, it's even common for people to just call it asparagus. Shatavari Kalpa is a herbal mixture of shatavari and elaichi that increases breast milk production while also reducing discomfort, exhaustion, and lack of strength in the mother. Scientific studies have shown that treatment with shatavari roots reduced the volume of tumor and tumor cell count. The name Shatavari roughly means "curer of hundred". With a history of utilization that spans centuries in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, it is also a health tonic to improve your lifestyle. Part Used: Root + Fresh/Dry: Dried. It is well known for it effects on the female reproductive system. Our Ashwagandha Powder also known as Indian Ginseng is widely used in various health care product formulations for immunity. The shatavari root produces three antioxidants: racemofuran, asparagamine A, and racemosol . Botanical Name Asparagus racemosus Shatavari Plant Other Names of Shatavari It is famously known by the names Satavari/ Shatavari and Satmuli/ Shatmooli. For men it is a nutritive tonic similar to ginseng. It is well known for its effects on the female reproductive . This is a creeper, which grows in low forest areas throughout India. Asparagus racemosus (satavar, shatavari, or shatamull, shatawari) is a species of asparagus common throughout India and the Himalayas. It grows one to two meters tall. It . The name and properties of large Shatavar are Mahashatavari, Satamuli, Urdhvakantaka,Shastravirya Hetu and Mahodari. Nutritional Facts of Shatavari Scientific Name : Asparagus racemosus: Common Names : Hathawariya; ; Shatavari; Shatamull; ; ; Shatavari root extract may help to relieve coughs. This herb has a variety of different names, including wild asparagus, Satawar, Satamuli, and Satavari. It is also called shatvirya. It grows in shady, low-lying elevations and has been harvested for thousands of years. All these anti-cancer compounds are majorly present in shatavari roots. Some grow at an altitude of 6,000 meters in the Himalayas. Common names of Shatavari The herb is known by different names in different parts of the world. Aptly named, this Ayurvedic Restorative Tonic is traditionally used to support the female reproductive system. SHATAVARI is known to maintain and nourish the female reproductive organs. 1 This means, it gives a hundred times more potency than other herbs, especially strengthening to the shukra or semen dhatu. This form of asparagus is widespread, native to India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Africa, and Northern Australia. The precise mechanism by which shatavari rejuvenates ovaries, increases follicular growth and development and improves oocyte quality require further study, however, based on existing studies, it is proposed that anti-stress and antioxidant properties may protect against stress-mediated negative reproductive . This sweet and bitter herb is particularly balancing to Pitta Dosha. 1) Shatavari in India is the name of a plant defined with Asparagus curillus in various botanical sources. In the health niche, Shatavari is well known as an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs are said to help your body cope with physical and emotional. Ashwagandha is one of the most popular herb for mens health and is widely used in almost all formulations for men's health. Shatavari Plant - Buy Shatavari Plant at best price of Rs 2/piece from Mahadev Herbal Enterprises. The leaves are delicate and soft but needle-like in shape. Antioxidant. About Shatavari. Attached to its slender stem is an extraordinary mass of long succulent rootssome growing up to 3 feet in length. (Shatavari) is an important medicinal plant species distributed across India from tropical to subtropical parts, . SKU: JO5865 Category: Organic Products Tags: Organic Shatavari Powder, Shatavari, Shatavari Powder. Shatavari- The herbal health supplement. The shatavari plant has small, uniform green leaves, tiny white flowers, blackish-purple berries, and numerous tuberous roots. Shatavari's botanical name is asparagus racemosus. ex Roxb.) Asparagus racemosus is known as shatavari and satawar in India, 1 satamuli in Bangladesh, 2 chattavari3 and hathawariya in Sri Lanka, 4 kurilo in Nepal, 5 and ni-shing in Bhutan. So, the correct answer is "Option B ". Hindi Name: Shatavari: Sanskrit Name: SHATAVARI, SHATMULI, ATIRASA, SHATVIRYA: Also Spelled As: . Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosus Origin: India SKU: 210162-3) Enter Quantity: Decrease Quantity of Shatavari Root C/S Organic Increase Quantity of . Shatavari is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenating tonic for the female. The scientific name of the traditional Ayurvedic herb Shatavari is Asparagus Racemosus, while it is commonly referred to as Satavar, Shatamull or Shatawari. Botanical name - Asparagus racemosus. Scientific Name: Asparagus . Botanical name - Asparagus racemosus Family name - Asparagaceae English name - Indian asparagus Common name - Shatavari Synonyms - Bahupatra, Abheeru, Narayani, Atirasa, Vari, Shatamuli. One of the benefits is nerve disorders, throat infections, tuberculosis, coughing or bronchitis. Shatavari is also popularly known by other names like Asparagus, wild asparagus, asparagus root, Satavar, Shatamull, Majjige Gadde, Sadavare, Nunggarei, Vari, Pali, Chhotta Kelu, Shakakul, Shaqaqul, and Shatawari among others. It is also effective in a number of other systems of the body and is therefore of use to both men and women. The plant appears to prefer higher altitudes and gravelly, rocky soils. View Mobile Send Inquiry 7 Yrs JAIRAMDASS KHUSHIRAM Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Asparagus Racemosus Rs 275 / Bottle (Approx) Plant Morphology . Botanical name: asparagus racemosus; family: liliacea. Discover hundreds of wholesale botanicals in the sizes and quantities you need. Its scientific name, however, is Asparagus racemosus. racemosus. Appendices on common botanical names, quick dose reference charts, adverse . Shatavari is also known as Asparagus racemosus. . Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the female reproductive system, and as a support for the digestive system, especially in cases of excess pitta. The plant has small, uniform green leaves, tiny white flowers, and numerous tuberous roots.
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